Beneath this post, Scott started the "HDR Debate" that he and I have been in for a while...
Here's my opinion on HDR images. There is no right or wrong way when processing/editing them. You're going for a look, whether it's realistic or not. For me, I go for the look that is more unique and eye-catching. If I want a normal picture, I'll take one. Currently, I have two ways of photographing a subject. The first method is a well-composed photograph that when people look at, they say "Oh, that's a nice shot." The other method is the HDR look. This is when I just shoot whatever I think can look "cool" as an HDR, rather than a traditional photograph with a well-exposed subject and etc'...
I think more photographers in general don't really like the HDR-look that I use because they feel it's so overdone, unrealistic, fake, or whatever else can be possibly different when compared to a normal photograph.
Anyways, I'll end this post with a slide-show that is filled with my HDRs. You've probably seen most, if not all of them, but this is how I like to process my HDRs.